Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Drawing a line under 2014

Photo credit: The internets
So my plan had been to race the MuddyPuppy Trail 8k, then move on to Oktoberfest 5k, driving my enemies before me and hearing the lamentation of their women... er. So then two Fridays ago, I'm doing a set of plyometrics (jumps / skips / squats) and after the first set, my knee feels sort of odd, like when you hit your funny bone. I try a couple more skips, but decide to pack it in, letting good sense prevail. I limped home (literally) from the park, and decided that a couple days rest would sort this out.

Fast forward to the end of the weekend, when walking is still painful, and stairs are excruciating, I call my physio and get an appointment, at which tests seem to indicate it's not ligament/tendon/meniscus tearing, but there is some irritation of the capsule around the knee, which is causing swelling and pinching when the joint bends.

Therapy is icing, hip stability exercises and no running for 4 weeks. Maybe MRI in a week if things still suck.

Anyways, about those races. At this point, I'm going to call it as done, heal properly and then see what the winter brings. Maybe I'll just do trail and bike races next year.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Week 0 Summary: Syracuse 70.3

No bad this race, just good (swim / bike) and ugly (run).

I averaged just under 200 watts, VI was high (1.09), but still had a good ride. If you're into that sort of thing:

The gory details:

Graham Dunn

Overall Rank: 343
Div Rank: 44
Gender Rank: 305
General Info
Race Summary
SWIM DETAILS | Division Rank: 37
Total1.2 mi00:32:2300:32:2301:40/100m37219274
BIKE DETAILS | Division Rank: 25
Total56 mi02:35:5703:11:2521.55 mph25164174
RUN DETAILS | Division Rank: 44
Total13.1 mi01:58:1105:11:3009:01/mi44305343
Transition Details
T1: Swim-to-bike00:03:05
T2: Bike-to-run00:01:54

Originally from:

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Week 15 summary

Chopping wood, carrying water...

I'm getting some good cycling base sessions in at Dearborn, I've started hooking up my laptop to the computrainers and doing some of the trainerroad workouts.

Swimming is coming along well, sneaking up into lane 4 today, hopefully I can stay there.

Running is good, my speed has stayed about the same, I have the refridgee-8-er next weekend, then the Chilly half, then a short break until ATB. I'm concerned about my aerobic base, I think the key will be to take it slow at the Chilly, and ATB.

I've signed up for TTT and Syracuse and booked rooms. I'm feeling good about being on the right track towards the best performance I have in me.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Week 6

636TSS on 8:40hr

Started swimming and strength training (plyometrics and 100 pushups program) this week ... hello DOMS. Tested on bike, FTP is up to 237, I'm feeling stronger on the bike, hopefully swimming will come back sooner rather than later.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Week 5

425TSS on 7hr

Started strength training this week. just very simple plyometrics (jump squats, jump lunges, pushups, burpees, etc). A) 12 minutes seems like forever, and B) after 9 months of just run training, I have the upper body strength of a toddler.

The spin class at Dearborn is working out well, I'm up to two hours now, that seems to be a good spot, followed by a 20 min easy run. Swimming starts next week. Fear.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Week 4 (re-renumbering)

303TSS on 4:30

Still sick, getting better on Saturday and Sunday. Hopefully I can get back on track next week.

Friday, November 22, 2013

2014 Season: Week 1

AKA dreaming season ...

Since R2H, I've been sick -- chest cold proceeded to sinus infection, now a rough general cold. This means my training has been cursory at best.

The A race next year is going to be Syracuse 70.3; goal time is 4:50, stretch goal is to qualify for the 70.3 WC at Tremblant. If that stretch goal doesn't happen, I'm going to repeat the Fall of 2013 and run a lot, aiming for a BQ (~3:10) at a late fall marathon (Toronto Waterfront, County, other).

To support the triathlon goals, I'll need to achieve the following: hold 1:40 min/100m over 2k, FTP up to 280, and run a sub 1:30 half.

Like I said, dreaming season.