Saturday, January 29, 2011

Feeling better ...

The massage therapy and easing back on the frequency (two runs turned into XC skis this week), helped quite a bit, no more shin pain.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Pain fixes pain

I was having some shin and hip flexor pain, so after some queries to Dr. Google and the EN team, I booked a session with a massage therapist.

I'm feeling much better today, last night I felt like I had been beaten about the legs though. The therapist emailed me this morning:
Just wondering how you are feeling after your massage?

Your muscles were quite tight and shortened- so I stretched them out elongating them.

Well I hope you don't hate me too much.
 I think I need to stretch more.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Confusion of stiffness

I wonder what a collection of sore muscles is called? I don't know if the stiffness in my shoulder blades is from swimming this morning, or karate last night. Or maybe it's from the bike on Tuesday morning. So many choices.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


PT Pro 2.4 CPU arrived ... pulling data off with PowerAgent in OSX, saving to file and analyzing with Golden Cheetah in Linux.

Local squad meeting is next week, going to have to start making decisions about how I want to allocate resources between EN and Energi. There's a team swim on Sunday afternoon as well. I can make it, not sure how many SAUs I'm going to burn with that.

I'm not sure I can juggle EN workouts to fit into the Energi schedule.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Moving on up

Up to lane 5, that is. Started last Wednesday, and after today I think the move is for reals (i.e., I didn't puke or end up floating face down under the diving board).

Still waiting for the yellow PowerTap CPU... training with power is working out pretty well without post-ride analysis in the meantime, I'm just doing my work in interval mode and watching average power.

I'm purchasing a little motivation : "Fight Club" from