Sunday, March 18, 2012

Week 20 Summary

The week started off well, nailed the run in the morning, good swim at lunch. The week built to the Big Day on Sunday, which felt pretty good. 1 hr + 45 min intervals at 80% on the bike went well. Took the run easy, trying to keep the HR < Z4, as I still have some sick left in the lungs. boo-urns.

Oh yes, next week is Around the Bay. I've been trying to figure out a strategy for racing this ... basically the first 20k are more or less flat and pretty fast. However, if you get to 20k and don't have fresh legs, you're screwed: it goes up and down a lot after that for 8k.

So my goal is to finish < 2:20, which means 4:40min/km average... First 10k, just under 4:40, settle into 4:40, then hold on, try to negative split? It seems sort of foolhardy because it would be really easy to blow up on those hills trying to hold 4:40. However, if I try to go out and bank time, am I even going to be able to run in the range I need to by 20k?

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