So EndurRun is next week, 25k + 10k + 42.2k as I run stages 5, 6, 7.
The goal/mantra this weekend is "Finish Strong", so the plans should fall out of that.
Stage 5 is very hilly (a-ski-slope hilly), so I expect to do a significant amount of walking up the hills in the first loop, run down as fast a caution will allow, then see if I can figure out a plan for running a little more aggressively on the second lap.
Stage 6 is the point-to-point TT, which I ran last year. It is very flat, I'm going to seed myself at a conservative 45 minutes, mainly to avoid what happened last year when I ran 16 seconds of my predicted time (40 minutes), but was in no-man's land the most of the race, and was passed by the guy behind me. At 4:30 min/km, I can keep a good number of competitors around me, and aim to work up through the field (I'm better at chasing than being chased).
Stage 7 is going to be a put-up or shut-up moment. I've thought for the last several years that if I pace myself properly, I can keep going as long as I keep dumping fuel into my body. This marathon will be the test of that belief. I'm aiming for ~4 hours, which means running at 5:30-5:45 min/km pace with 1min quick walk every 10 minutes. My 28km run went well using a gel every 45 minutes, and a sip of sports drink every walk break. I may have to carry a water bottle, not sure what the aid station situation is.
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