Bike (86km): 2:33:17 => 33.5km/h, Av 188 watts, NP 202 watts
Run (20.6km): 1:51:06 => 5:24min/km
The bike was my favourite part of this race, but some of the terrain was discouraging, there were only a couple spots where you could get into any sort of rhythm, otherwise it was up and down. I played cat and mouse with a couple other riders who were passing me on the uphills, then I would zoom past on the downhills. I was trying to keep my power between 190-200 watts, so I would slow right down going up, but 200 watts will get me 50+km/h on a reasonable descent. Psychologically, it felt harder to maintain watts at speed than going up a hill.
Nutrition on the bike went:
0-20 minutes => sip water
20' => gel + water
40' => gel + water
1hr => 1/2 peanut butter powerbar
1:20 => gel + water
1:40 => gel + water
2 hr => 1/2 peanut buttter powerbar
2:20 => gel + water
2:30 => gel + water
That gets me about 850kcal => 340kcal/h which is beyond what I have ever done in training, especially at that pace, so that was an error.
I was also drinking water mostly by feel, but trying to err on the side of drinking rather than not. This may have not been the best strategy (see run). I probably took in 3 bottles (went through 4, but a lot of that was poured on me to keep cool). I went into the race thinking that it was going to be really hot, but it turned out to be only 25C/78F.
The first 5k of the run seemed to go ok, I was going at an "easy" pace, right around 5min/km. I had about a cup of water, that got me out of the park and onto the long out and back portion, which is much hotter, and much more lumpy. I started to have some stomach problems, feeling full and sloshy. I slowed my pace to try and get things settled, and stopped taking anything in for the first 7km or so. It seemed to get better, so I tried a mouthful of cola, that went okay for another couple km, but then started to feel poorly again (burping, cramps). This pattern repeated a couple times more, once with a gel, once with just water in an attempt to get something in. I started walking up hills, hoping that would help. I spent a lot of that time wavering back and forth between feeling like I was going to puke, and then feeling a little better, so I'd up the pace a little, then right back to feeling sick. With 4k left, I just decided to give up on getting any more nutrition or water in me and just get to the finish (hoping I could still go under 5 hours). Looking at my GPS files, it doesn't really look like I went any faster (though there were more hills in that last bit), but my RPE was up, I think I was just feeling the effects of battling stomach and heat at that point.
So the TL;DR is: Went 5:02 on a mediocre swim, "good" bike (except the eating part), and a miserable run -- I had hoped to go under 5 -- but the course was shorter than I expected, so it wouldn't really have been what I was hoping to do anyway.
Lessons learned: Don't get stuck in a plan if the underlying assumptions of that plan are no longer valid -- I had thought I would be out on the bike for 2:40, but the course was shorter, and the day was cooler, so I over-ate and drank for the conditions. Not sure if I could have saved the run in any way, shape or form...
[edit] I was comparing my results in terms of where I placed in my AG from when I raced this in 2010 (primarily to make myself feel better:), and though my swim was worse (adjusting for field size), my bike and run were both significantly improved. In addition, I had hoped to place top 10 in my AG this year, and despite my crappy run dropping me 8 minutes outside 10th, I out-swam and out-biked 10th place.
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