Sunday, November 25, 2012

Week 9 Summary

820 TSS on 9:30.

Ran a 5k TT on Monday, it hurt but was more or less what I expected.

CP5 is falling, I haven't done any longer hard efforts, going to start on a weekly sufferfest episode with the aim of changing that.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Week 8 Summary

770 TSS on 9.1 hours of training ... CTL has risen to 76, the result of two solid weeks of work. Consistency is going to be key this year.

I'm enjoying the Wed evening runs with Runner's Choice, lots of opportunity to push the pace and very nice people as well. Run duration this week was 3h48m, in line with the current 20:40:60 BarryP stage.  One more week of that before the distances start to ramp up...

I'm reading "Run: The mind-body method of running by feel" by Matt Fitzgerald, which, somewhat ironically, is so far a long discussion of the various types of training plans elite runners follow. I suppose the twist is where he talks about the deviations they take from the plans, and why.

Last year at this time, I was working on a swim focus block, and running 4-5 times/week.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Week 7! Here we go again...

Weeks 1-2 were really just casual, exercise-when-feel-like-it ... the next four weeks were "getting ready to get ready to train". This is the first week of "getting ready to train", so far it feels good (as of Saturday afternoon). Last week, X was sick again, and we spent 4 days in the hospital, so there's a good indication of how badly things could go in any given week.

This week will top out at ~750TSS and 71CTL, but I don't feel shattered by any means. I'll aim to raise that CTL by 2-3 points / week, I'm really trying to just get week after week of consistent training in this year.