Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Sufferfest: Hell Hath No Fury

Got the new training vid -- Hell Hath No Fury -- mainly because of the 2x20min set, which is a great set when done at/around your FTP (great in this case meaning "excrutiating") for boosting that particular metric.

Made it into the first 20min set with minimal damage, then started hurting after the first few attacks. I'm used to women kicking my ass on the bike, but this was unusual. It was downhill from there (in the video, there is only a small downhill section, alas). I'm glad the Cervelo has comfy arm rests, because my head ended up there after the end of each 20 minute segment.

One thing that has bugged me in each of the Sufferfest vids that I have is that there's some small typo or weird grammatical error in the mid-interval messages. Random font changes in Angels, David Millar gets labelled as Miller in Local Hero, etc. HHNF has "capitan". But that's about the worst thing I can say about them, honestly.

So yeah, between this 2x20 and A Very Dark Place's 5x4 (just an aside, there is nothing more soul-crushing than kicking to the end of the 4th interval, and thinking "well, that's done", and then realizing you have to Do. It. Again.) that's pretty much my FT and 5MP workouts sorted for the next while.


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